Saturday, 23 March 2013

Sometimes you just have to ask yourself...

I ran the Black Mountains Trail half today.  Well, I ran some of it.
Snow was knee deep in places, with a howling wind that prevented you from seeing where you were going; the runners clustered together for safety and I felt really sorry for the two marshals at the top standing in a blizzard shouting directions to the runners.  The mist was also down and the signs were mostly buried in snow so there was a very real chance of getting lost.  On top of that we had to run down an ice field - pick the wrong line and you found yourself surrounded by ice and the only way out was a careful hands and knees traverse.  I lost 5 minutes creeping back onto the route.
As we dropped down into the valley the snow was replaced by a slick of mud; I guess we all fell at some point.  One slip and you plummeted down the slope on your back.  Just to add more misery we ran down streams that were mostly melt water - running along in that freezing wind with soaking shoes was no joke, I can tell you.
I was overtaken by another runner at one point and I made a comment about the evil nature of the hill section - 'I loved it!' he said as he cut left to start a second lap.  I however ran on, starting to realise that everyone was going on to do the second lap, and that there were no half marathon runners around; I must be in the lead.  Indeed I was, and after a fretful two miles with me worrying whether someone would shoot up and overtake me, I rolled into the campsite finish and first place.  Of nine runners.  Who cares, big prizes!  A pair of running shoes, a trophy and a t shirt, as well as a medal and chocolate bunny!  I came home with a clear profit.
As I didn't push myself too hard and descended really slowly due to my hamstring injury I actually got the chance to enjoy the run - it was great.  I did feel a bit crap inching downhill while others slithered by - next time I will wear a t shirt that says something like 'injured, otherwise you wouldn't see my ass for dust!'.  The whole weekend - camping in the snow, enjoying a pint in the pub with the locals and pretending to like rugby, and being first in the shower - it was all good.  It was entertaining hanging around pretending to be an ultra runner and looking at the particular kit and clothes they use - very different from other running tribes.  Roll on May - I have entered the 40mile Brecon ultra.


  1. Hi Mark,

    I've entered the Long Eaton 50 in June. It gets me 2 Ultra trail Du Mont Blanc qualification points, which means I can try again to get through the lottery. But I'm seriously thinking about doing this race again, as I so enjoyed it last time.


  2. Hi Luke, I think the Brecon gets you UTMB points now - check their website. Impressed that you are thinking of the UTMB!
